Goldman, Mara J. 2020. Narrating Nature: Wildlife Conservation and Maasai Ways of Knowing. University of Arizona Press, Critical Green Engagements Series.
Goldman, M.J., M. D. Turner, and M. Daly. 2018. A Critical Political Ecology of Human Dimensions of Climate Change: Epistemology, Ontology, and Ethics. Invited advanced review articleWIREs Climate Change, 9 (4), e526.
Goldman, M.J. 2018 Circulating Wildlife: Capturing the complexity of wildlife movements in the Tarangire Ecosystem in northern Tanzanian from a mixed method, multiply situated perspective. In R. Lave, C. Biermann, and S. N. Lane (Eds). Handbook of Critical Physical Geography. London: Palgrave.
Davis, A. and M. J. Goldman. (2017). Considerations of trust, livelihoods, and tenure security in community based conservation projects. Oryx, 1-6. doi: 10.1017/S0030605317000898
Goldman, M. J., A. Davis, and J. Little. (2016). “Controlling land they call their own: access and women’s empowerment in Northern Tanzania.” Journal of Peasant Studies, 43(4): 777-797.
Goldman, M. J., Daly, M., & Lovell, E. (2015). Exploring multiple ontologies of drought in agro-pastoral regions of Northern Tanzania: a topological approach. Area, DOI: 10.1111/area.12212.
Goldman, M. J. and J. S. Little. (2015). Innovative Grassroots NGOS and the Complex Processes of Women’s Empowerment: An empirical investigation from Northern Tanzania. World Development 66 (2015):762-777.
Goldman, M., J. R. Dephinho, and J. Perry. (2013). Beyond Ritual and Economics: Maasai Lion Hunting and Conservation Politics. Oryx. Published online: 14 May 2013: 1-11. doi: 10.1017/S0030605312000907
Goldman, M., and Riosmena, F. (2013). Adaptive Capacity and Vulnerability to Drought in Tanzanian Maasailand: Changing strategies to navigate across fragmented landscapes. Global Environmental Change 23 (2013) 588–597.
Goldman, M.J., P. Nadasdy, and M.D. Turner, eds. (2011). Knowing Nature: Conversations at the intersection of political ecology and science studies. Chicago: University of Chicago University Press .
Goldman, M. (2009). Constructing Connectivity? Conservation corridors and conservation politics in East African rangelands. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 99 (2):335-359 .