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CSPV in the Boulder Daily Camera

The Boulder Daily Camera published an article titled “CU Boulder center knows how to prevent violence, but it’s not simple,” highlighting the work of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV) here at IBS. 

Beverly Kingston and Bill Woodward are quoted heavily in the article, citing various ways that CSPV studied school shootings and how the best preventative measures focus on adaptive change instead of technical solutions. 

Research shows that approximately 40% of school shooters are traumatized, 30% are psychotic, and 30% are psychopathic.  

Each type [of individual who has made a specific threat of violence] requires different management or treatment. Those who are traumatized may need therapy or extra supports; those who are psychotic probably need medication; and those who are psychopathic can only be managed externally, through monitoring, check-ins, and limiting movements throughout the school.

The article also touched on how complicated the causes of violence are, and how the best answer is going to be comprehensive and multi-faceted – not a “silver bullet” solution that will have immediate effects.  

Kingston said there are proven ways to prevent violence or decrease motivation for violence, but there’s a desire from the public to have one easy solution. in reality, it would take funding, cultural shifts and a willingness to do complicated things.

Thanks to Beverly and Bill for their continued dedication to working towards a solution to end violence – and for all of the hard work that researchers and staff at the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence do on a day to day basis.  

The full article is available on the Daily Camera website (but it is subscription only, unfortunately).