

IBS Associations

Prevention Science Program

Research Interests

Racial Equity, Intervention Research, Research Design, Program Evaluation, Research Synthesis, Quantitative Analysis

Brief Biography

Pamela R. Buckley, PhD, is an associate research professor in the Institute of Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her expertise is in the use of scientific evidence to inform decisions about social programs and policies for youth. Dr. Buckley’s scholarship focuses on interdisciplinary and applied research to understand what works, for whom and in what settings, and in generating reliable evidence for preventing negative outcomes and fostering well-being. She is interested in advancing scientific understanding of preventive interventions that support youth from historically marginalized populations, or those from underserved communities denied equitable opportunities for creating the safety and stability needed to avoid adverse experiences in the first place. She is currently pursuing a line of research that considers how evidence-based preventive interventions (EBPIs) harness the strengths and cultural assets of racial and ethnic minoritized families, youth, and communities to promote equitable behavioral health outcomes and make systems that affect the social determinants of health more equitable. Her research has been published in leading academic journals, including Prevention Science and the American Educational Research Journal. She received the 2023 Society for Prevention Research Nan Tobler Award for her contributions to the summarization or articulation of the empirical evidence relevant to prevention Dr. Buckley has worked extensively with large data sets and administrative records, including partnering with multiple state agencies to link over 250,000 individual-level records and study policies that equitably and effectively support career-connected education pathways. As a former school psychologist, she also has considerable experience consulting in classrooms with teachers, students, families, and communities.