IBS Associations

Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology

Brief Biography

Current Position: President, SRI Foundation and co-President of the Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis

I co-founded two cultural heritage management (CHM) consulting firms—Statistical Research, Inc. (1983, U.S.A.) and Nexus Heritage (2008, U.K.). I also co-founded the SRI Foundation (2001, president) and the Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis (co-president, 2018). Since 1975, I have served as principal investigator on more than 1,000 CHM projects in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. I am a past-treasurer and past-president of the Society for American Archaeology and a past president of the Register of Professional Archaeologists. My interest in synthesis stems from a desire to see CHM data reach their full research potential in support of understanding long-term socio-environmental processes that can benefit society.