Most Recent Book

Matson, Pamela; Clark, William and Andersson, Krister. (2016). Pursuing Sustainability: A Guide to the Science and Practice.
Dr. Andersson, along with co-authors Pamela Matson and William C. Clark, has published: “Pursuing Sustainability: A Guide to the Science and Practice”, Princeton University Press, March 2016. Described as “A primer for students and practitioners who are seeking a more systematic and comprehensive platform on which to base their pursuits of sustainability”, the book explores frameworks and approaches for understanding, analyzing, and effectively engaging in sustainability challenges, addressing the question of how to achieve sustainability, presenting that the ultimate determinants of intergenerational well-being should be thought of as the stocks of assets on which people now draw and will draw in the future to subsist and improve their lives – stocks that include natural, social, manufactured, human, and knowledge capital.
Recent Publications
Molina-Garzón, A., Grillos, T., Zarychta, A., Andersson, K.P. 2021. Decentralization Can Increase Cooperation Among Public Officials. American Journal of Political Science.
Brondizio, E.S., Andersson, K., de Castro, F., Futemma, C., Salk, C., Tengö, M., Londres, M., Tourne, D.C.M., González, T.S., Molina-Garzón, A., Russo Lopes, G., Siani, S. 2021. Making place-based sustainability initiatives visible in the Brazilian Amazon. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 49(4): 66-78.
Grillos, T., Zarychta, A., Andersson, K.P. 2021. Governance Reform, Decentralization, and Teamwork in Public Service Delivery: Evidence from the Honduran Health Sector. Public Administration 2021:1–27.
Andersson, K.P. Chang, K. Molina Garzon, A.L. 2020. Voluntary Leadership and the Emergence of Institutions for Self-Governance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Root, E., Menken, J., Zarychta, A., Grillos, T., Andersson, K. 2020. Organizations Matter in Local Governance: Evidence from Health Sector Decentralization in Honduras. Health Policy and Planning
Cook, N.J., Grillos, T., Andersson, K.P. 2019. Gender Quotas Increase Equality and Effectiveness of Climate Policy Interventions. Nature Climate Change 9 (4): 330-334.
Andersson, K.P., Cook, N.J., Grillos, T., Lopez, M.C., Salk, C.F., Wright, G.D., Mwangi, E. 2018. Experimental Evidence on Payments for Forest Commons Conservation. Nature Sustainability 1(3): 128-135
Andersson, K.P., Smith, S.M., Alston, L.J. Duchelle, A. E., Mwangi, E., Larson, A.M., de Sassi, C., Sills, E.O., Sunderlin, W.D. and Wong, G. Y. 2018. Wealth and the Distribution of Benefits from Tropical Forests: Implications for REDD+. Land Use Policy 72: 510-522
Heikkila, T. and Andersson, K. 2018. Policy Design and the Added-Value of the Institutional Analysis Development Framework. Policy & Politics, 46(2): 309-324.
Smith, S.M., Andersson, K.P., Cody, K.C., Cox, M. Ficklin, D. 2017. Responding to a Groundwater Crisis: The Effects of Self-Imposed Economic Incentives. J. Assoc. Environmental and Resource Economists 4(4):985-1025.
Valdivieso, P.E., Andersson, K.P., Villena-Roldan, B. 2017. Institutional Drivers of Adaptation in Local Government Decision Making: Evidence from Chile. Climatic Change 143(1):157-171.
Cook, N.J., Wright, G.D. and Andersson, K.P 2017. Local Politics of Forest Governance: Why NGO Support Can Reduce Local Government Responsiveness. World Development 92: 203-14.
Valdivieso, P. and Andersson, K. 2017. Local Politics of Environmental Disaster Risk Management: Institutional Analysis and Lessons from Chile. Journal of Environment and Development 26(1): 51 – 81.
Dilling, L., Pizzi, E., Berggren, J., Ravikumar, A. Andersson, K. 2017. Drivers of adaptation: Responses to weather- and climate-related hazards in 60 local governments in the intermountain Western U.S. Environment and Planning A 2017 49(11): 2628-2648.
Wright, G.D., Andersson, K.P., Gibson, C.C., Evans, T. 2016. Decentralization May Reduce Deforestation when User Groups Engage with Local Government. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(52): 14958-14963.
Andersson, K., Lawrence, D., Zavaleta, J., Guariguata, M. R. 2016. More Trees, More Poverty? The Socioeconomic Effects of Tree Plantations in Chile, 2001-2011. Environmental Management 57:123-136.
Wilkins, Amy C., Mollborn, Stefanie, & Bó, Boróka. (2014). Constructing difference. In Jane D. McLeod, Edward J. Lawler, & Michael Schwalbe (Eds.), Handbook of the social psychology of inequality (pp. 125-154). Dordrecht: Springer.
Working Papers
Can Decentralization Increase Social Capital among Bureaucrats? Evidence from Health Sector Reform in Honduras (Molina, Grillos, Zarychta, and Andersson 2018)
Decentralized Forestry in Guatemala: A Test of Polycentric Governance Theory (with Alan Zarychta)