Who We Are

A community of archaeologists and social scientists who are committed to a broad perspective on contemporary issues in society and the environment.

CCSA is directed by Scott Ortman, an Associate Professor in the Anthropology Department, with assistance from an advisory board drawn from CU FACULTY and CfAS officers, partners and associates. 

Faculty, students and staff from across CU, and the officers, partners and associated of CfAS, all contribute to our work.  

archaeologists meeting

CCSA Staff and Associates

Director, Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology
Environment and Society Program
Population Program
CU Population Center

Assistant Director, Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology
Environment and Society Program

Director, Health and Society Program
Population Program
CU Population Center
Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology

Health and Society Program
Population Program
CU Population Center
Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology

Environment and Society Program
Center for the Governance of Natural Resources
Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology

Director, Institute of Behavioral Science
Environment and Society Program
Population Program
CU Population Center
Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology

Collaborators on CCSA Projects

Project: From Households to Landscapes: Cyberinfrastructure for Deep Time Network Analyses in the Pre-Hispanic US Southwest

Jeffrey Clark
Archaeology Southwest

Barbara Mills
The School of Anthropology (arizona.edu) | University of Arizona

William Doelle
Archaeology Southwest

Matthew Peeples
School of Human Evolution and Social Change | Arizona State University

Joshua Watts
Archaeology Southwest

Other Associates at CU Boulder

Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, University of Colorado Boulder

Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Colorado Boulder

Professor, Anthropology, University of Colorado Boulder

Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Colorado Boulder