Institute of Behavioral Science

Publications: Program Fidelity Monitoring Data

The LST Implementation team at CU Boulder has been collecting process evaluation/fidelity monitoring data at each school funded by our grants to replicate the LifeSkills Training (LST) program since 2000.

These fidelity monitoring data are collected through annual visits that include interviews with LST instructors, administrators, grant coordinators, and classroom observers. Data are also collected through online surveys with implementing teachers and grant coordinators, as well as through classroom observations conducted by local contractors.

Through this data collection, CU has learned a great deal about what happens when a research-proven program is implemented in real world settings. Papers including lessons learned are listed below.

Validation of Observation Fidelity Tool: A model for the validation of fidelity observation protocols to guide future research studying evidence-based interventions scaled-up under real-world conditions.

Buckley, P. R., Combs, K. M., Drewelow, K. M., Hubler, B. L., Lain, M. A. (2024). Validity Evidence for an Observational Fidelity Measure to Inform Scale-Up of Evidence-Based Interventions. Evaluation Review, 0(0), 2-44. 10.1177/0193841X241248864

Sustainment of a Behavior Health Curriculum in Schools
Factors impacting whether the LifeSkills Training (LST) program was sustained after initial support ceased and with what level of fidelity.

Combs, K. M., Drewelow, K. M., Lain, M.A., Habesland, M., Ippolito, A., & Finigan-Carr, N. (2022). Sustainment of an Evidence-Based, Behavioral health Curriculum in Schools Prevention Science, 22. 10.1007/s11121-022-01454-5.

LST Classroom-Level Factors that Affect Implementation: The effect that six modifiable classroom-level variables have on the implementation of the LifeSkills Training (LST) program.

Combs, K. M., Buckley, P., Lain M. A., Drewelow, K. M., & Urano, G. (2022). Influence of Classroom-Level Factors on Implementation Fidelity During Scale-up of Evidence-Based Interventions. Prevention Science, 22, 10.1007/s11121-022-01375-3.

LST Training Modality 
Is online training as effective as in-person training for LifeSkills Training (LST) facilitators?

Combs, K. M., Drewelow, K. M., Håbesland, M. S., Lain, M. A., & Buckley, P. (2021). Does Training Modality Predict Fidelity of an Evidence-based Intervention Delivered in Schools? Prevention Science, 22, 928–938. 10.1007/s11121-021-01227-6.

Factors Related to Implementation Fidelity
Various barriers were identified that interfered with successful program implementation, including failure to implement the program, difficulties integrating the training into the class schedule, student misbehavior, and lack of support for the program. Conversely, high ratings of the program by implementers and coordinators was associated with better adherence and dosage, and better student behavior.

Mihalic, S. F., Fagan, A. A., & Argamaso, S. (2008). Implementing the LifeSkills Training Drug Prevention Program: Factors Related to Implementation Fidelity Implementation Science, 3(1), 5.