Resilience In Schools & Educators


RISE is an adult-centered, trauma-responsive prevention program that builds educator social emotional skills, intentional environments, and safe supportive relationships to foster resilience and well-being for everyone at school.

Decades of research have revealed that one essential protective factor for youth is having a safe, supportive relationship with an adult. RISE was developed to help educators have the support, skills, and tools they need to be that adult.

Ready to learn more?

Are you an education professional who is interested in better developing these skills, capacities, and supports for yourself, your school or your district? Click the button to learn more or keep reading below!

RISE Components

RISE is a comprehensive program that we recommend implementing over the course of 3 years, to increase sustainability and achieve whole-school saturation.  

Full RISE implementation includes the following components:

Whole-School Professional Development

To establish common language, norms, and knowledge, RISE includes three whole-school professional development sessions.  The sessions are Designing Trauma Responsive Intentional Environments, Understanding Trauma & Resilience, and Cultivating Well-being.  Sessions are 3 hours long and are typically delivered by CRW staff.


Trained building-based facilitators deliver a series of nine RISE workshops to small groups of 8-15 educators each year.  Workshop content includes well-being practices, connection skills, emotion support skills and emotion coaching skills. Each workshop is approximately 75 minutes long and includes didactic instruction, hands-on activities, time to reflect and share, and opportunities for skill application. The workshop series is the core of the RISE program.

Individual Coaching

While the workshop series is the core of the RISE program, we often say that coaching is where the magic happens!  In between workshop deliveries, trained RISE facilitators meet individually with workshop participants to discuss their goals, help them apply RISE skills to their specific role and context, and problem solve challenging situations.

Impact Assessment

We know how important it is that every initiative in schools is data-driven and evidence-based. Therefore, RISE includes a component of impact assessment. Using pre/post surveys, we assess how educators’ skills, mindsets, attitudes, and well-being shift over the course of the workshop series. We share those findings with you in easy-to-understand ways, so that the data is immediately useful. Our RISE schools often share this data with parents, school or district leadership, and funders.

RISE uses a Train the Facilitator Approach

We use a “train the facilitator” model for the majority of RISE implementation, which means that essential RISE knowledge and skills stay in your building and district for years to come.

Districts and schools identify who they would like to have trained to deliver the RISE workshop series and individual coaching from their own faculty! RISE facilitators can be teachers, counselors, administrators, mental health advocates and more!

Facilitators are trained using a mix of asynchronous coursework; two days of live, highly experiential training; and ongoing support throughout the year(s).  These trained facilitators then deliver our workshop series and provide individual coaching to small cohort(s) of educators each year. 


Other RISE Offerings

In addition to our standard comprehensive RISE implementation, as described above, we have a variety of other rich offerings for schools interested in increasing educator social emotional competency, interaction skills, supportive environments, and cultivating well-being.  Other offerings, which can be delivered stand-alone or in conjunction with RISE, include:

  • RISE Bits
  • Supporting Educators Series
  • Parent Education: Supporting Caregivers Series
  • Whole School Professional Development sessions
  • Leadership / Administrator Workshop Series
  • Supporting Students During Difficult Times (e.g., disaster, mass violence)
  • Read more about each offering here in our RISE Offering Menu!

RISE Impacts

We have measured the impact of RISE on hundreds of educators across Colorado since 2017.  While there are differences at each building, and from year-to-year, there are consistencies too:

Social Emotional Skills

RISE workshops, participants report higher levels of social emotional skills, including increased emotional awareness, increased emotion regulation, and increased self-compassion.

Use of RISE skills

We see significant increases in educator use of RISE skills, such as self-awareness, connection skills, emotion support skills and emotion coaching skills.


Educators regularly report improvements in their experience of burnout, as well as increased levels of psychological resilience.

Trauma-Informed School Practices

Measures of trauma-informed school practices increase from levels assessed before RISE implementation.

Network of Social Support

Educators consistently report that participating in RISE has expanded their network of social support at work.

RISE Evaluation Results by Cohort

Click the +’s below to display results for cohorts from 2017-2023!

Rise results 2017 through 2020
Results 2018-2019 RISE Cohort. We collected data from 55 educators participating in the RISE program at 6 elementary, middle, and high schools. Pre and post measures indicated improvements in: Educator use of RISE Skills; Educator Mindfulness; Educator Emotional Awareness; Educator Resilience; Reduced Educator Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress.
Results from RISE 2017-2018 Cohort. We collected data from 53 educators participating in the RISE program at 8 elementary schools. Pre- and post-measures indicated improvements in Educator: Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale; Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire; Positive and Negative Affect Scale; Student-Teacher Relationship Scale.

What Educators Have to Say About RISE

 Listen below to hear educators talk about the impact RISE has on them personally and in their classroom!

In this episode, host Amy Detgen discusses the RISE program, which focuses on enhancing educator well-being through social-emotional skill development and increasing resiliency. Guests Essie Hengeveld and Sarah DiGiacomo share insights on the importance of self-care for educators, the challenges faced in implementing well-being initiatives, and future research opportunities to further explore the impact of improving educator well-being.

Educator Experiences

“What I learned from RISE”


Our RISE Community

Building-based RISE facilitators come from many different backgrounds, including teachers, administrators, school counselors, mental health advocates, coaches and more! We train one or two cohorts each year and then stay connected with our facilitators for years to come.

Reach out to the RISE Team

We want to talk with you about bringing RISE programming to your school or district! Click the button below to start the conversation, we can't wait to hear from you!