Jessica Gorrono

Director of Digital Initiatives

Jessica is a licensed clinical social worker and the Director of Digital Initiatives for the Center of Resilience and Well-Being in Schools. Her career has focused on 1) providing evidence based treatments to trauma-exposed youth and families 2) developing and managing teams, systems and processes across sectors to improve outcomes for youth and families 3) providing training and consultation on evidence based and informed treatments and mental and behavioral health systems and processes to professionals in various roles within and across youth-serving systems 4) developing digital products to increase capacity of systems and communities that support families and youth.  Her experience includes various roles in every major youth and family serving system, including child-welfare, education and community mental health. 

Jess was also key faculty on the Safe Communities Safe Schools project, offering mental health, trauma and SEL consultation to the 46 Colorado middle-schools.  She is a trainer and consultant for Let’s Connect and RISE: Resilience in Schools and Educators and a national consultant for Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She also partnered with the Renee Crown Wellness Institute, managing the creation of the Alma Digital Training to increase capacity and scalability of a peer mentoring program that uses behavioral activation to decrease rates of depression, anxiety and stress in new and expectant mothers.

Jess received her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Colorado Mesa University and her Master of Social Work from the University of Denver. Jess is an avid kickboxer and mountain biker who can usually be found on some wild adventure with her son, Joe.