Two-day, in-person training in Let’s Connect® by a certified trainer is required. During this training, participants will:
- Learn about the Let’s Connect model and skills
- Practice Let’s Connect Skills through role-play/vignettes
- Receive coaching and feedback on use of Let’s Connect Skills by trainers
- Learn how to track caregivers’ skill acquisition and use
Our trainings are highly interactive with many opportunities for skills practice (trainer modeling of skills, role play, videotape review of skills) as well as clinical examples, group discussion, and self-reflection.
Let’s Connect Case Consultation. Case consultation is offered to training participants in twice-monthly, one-hour video/web meetings. The consultation package includes 12 one-hour consultations, with the goal of completing a minimum of 10 calls. Case consultation offers an opportunity for interactive, small-group learning and case presentations. Your Let’s Connect consultant will answer questions related to implementation of Let’s Connect with your cases and help you to tailor your delivery of Let’s Connect for the unique needs of the families you serve, while maintaining fidelity to the model.
Case consultation is strongly encouraged. We know from implementation science research that training alone does not result in therapist practice change. Training combined with consultation promotes therapist adherence and fidelity to the treatment model and skill use (Beidas, et al., 2012) which supports overall treatment effectiveness.