Monica and Essie talk with the Meta audience about teens and tough stuff.

Meta Invites CRW to Educate Parents, Influencers and Policy Makers

CRW Leader Monica Fitzgerald, Ph.D. and Education Initiatives Coordinator Essie Hengeveld, M.Ed. recently represented the CRW team at a Meta event, called Screen Smart, which was a “a conversation to help parents and guardians as they navigate and shape their teens’ online experiences.” The event featured the Global Director of Youth Safety Policy at Meta, influential parent creators and leading youth well-being experts. It is being brought to cities across the country to highlight Meta’s features across Instagram, Messenger and Quest, designed to support families, and to facilitate open and supportive dialogue around the top questions parents have about social media.” Meta invited CRW to present a Ted-style talk and provide information about Colorado resources. Monica and Essie’s talk included storytelling and  critical tips for caregivers to lean in and use behaviorally specific skills to talk with their teens about tough topics, including their use of social media and mental health. You can access the CRW tip sheet here. Meta’s safety center can be accessed here.